HELP: Zwik Designer
Design Area
- Toolbar (context-sensitive): The white toolbar is under the blue menu bar. The toolbar will display options for the control and settings of its respective design resource tab (on black menu bar). These toolbar options are CONTEXT-SENSITIVE and you will see them automatically appear as relevant. They can be easy to miss, keep an eye out for them!
- Zoom tool: Located on lower right of the design area
- Template perspective switcher: Located along on right side of the design area. Switch design view to a different product perspective (front, back, right, left)
- Border of design area: The printable design area (measurements not exact)
The design area is the workspace and preview for all design layers.
Layers contain separate objects in the order they are viewed (top to bottom). Use the layers tab (on the black menu bar) to view and adjust layers. To adjust a layer, select all of them via drag mouse.
- Current colors: (IGNORE) shows all colors used in this design. Colors extracted from images, text and other resources. (This is the color bar on the bottom left of the design area. It is used for print methods that calculate a color count. NOT RELEVANT.)
Layout Toolbar
Zwik Designer has navigation and layout tools to support your designing.
Auto Snap
When you move a shape or layers, it will align or “snap to” the nearest intersection of lines in center points, even if the grid is not visible, or snap to other image or layers. If your shape or layers do not move where you want, turn off the Auto Snap options.Follow steps to work with the tool:
- Deselect all layers.
- The Auto Snap tool will display on top right of design area
- Click on Auto Snap link on toolbar
- Turn the Auto Snap Mode to On
- To disable, just switch Auto Snap Mode to Off
When you want to put layers into the bottom right corner or make it center. It takes you some seconds to do that. But with Layer Position tool, layers are placed in the correct position with one click.Follow steps to work with the tool:
- Select layer you want to move
- Click on Position icon on toolbar
- Choose position you wish to move layer to
Layer Position support positions as the screenshot.
Fill Color – Image or Text
With some object such as shape, image, text. The Fill Color helps users fill a solid color with that objects.
Follow steps to work with the tool:
- Select layer you want to fill color
- Click on Fill Color icon on toolbar
- Select color from preset colors or enter a custom value by click on input ‘Click to choose color‘.
- To save custom color just press the plus (+) button next to input.
- Transparent help you change the opacity of filled color with below layers.
- Stroke width + Stroke color help you make the border color for current layer.
Arrange Layers
The Zwik Designer editor works based on layers; it means the higher layers are seen first. Arrange layers tool helps you change the position of the current layer with other layers. You can set a layer for Forward position or Back position with other ones. Follow steps to work with the tool:- Chose layer you want to change.
- Click on Arange Layers icon on the toolbar.
- Select Forward or Back action to change order.
Transform Manually
When use transform tool directly, it is hard to know how many angles rotated or flipped. Zwik Designer provides a manual way to set transform values for a layer. Follow steps to work with the tool:- Chose layer you want to change.
- Click on Transform icon on the toolbar.
- Adjust values you want to set
The values you can set for the object as bellow:
Rotate: the edge of an object. start from 0 – 360
Skew X: skews layer along the X-axis by the given angle
Skew Y: skews layer along the Y-axis by the given angle
Flip X: Horizontal flip your layer
Flip Y: Vertical flip your layer.
Of course, you can cancel all applied values by pressing the Reset All Transform button.
(please contact us if any help needed)
- Image filter effects
- Remove image background
- Make curved text
- Crop Image
- Fill & stroke color for image or text
- Move visible layers up or down (move visibility forward or back)
- Text with mask background
- Import/export designs (if avail)
- Print designs (if avail)